Discipline & Naps

Discipline Policies and Naps


All children between the ages of one (1) year up to five (5) years of age are required to rest after lunch for at least an hour or more. Those children who do not wish to sleep are encouraged to quietly read a book or play with quiet toys. Parents must supply a cot sheet, (crib sheet), for your child to nap on. Children under 3 will not use a pillow for safety reasons.


Behaviorial and Discipline Policies

We will use positive reinforcement of acceptable behavior. When inappropriate behavior occurs, we will explain the consequences of such behavior and offer alternatives. The teacher will redirect the child toward appropriate behavior. When necessary the child may be placed in “TIME OUT” in order to think about his/her behavior, after which time the teacher will discuss the inappropriate behavior with the child before returning him/her to the class activities. (The use of harsh language or physical punishment is strictly prohibited).