Building Blocks opens at 6:00 a.m. and closes promptly at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please make sure your child arrives no later than 9:30 a.m. so they can have the opportunity to experience a variety of activities including art, free play, music, and other experiences geared to their developmental level.

A certificate of immunization, form 3231, must be provided. Parents are responsible for keeping the immunization record up to date, in order to remain at the Center. Children need to have their immunizations updated within 30 days of enrolling in our program. If your child is “EXEMPT” we MUST have a note from the child’s physician stating so. Religious exemptions are allowed, please see the front desk for the required forms.

If your child requires prescription medications, the Medication Form will have to be filled out. Please let Building Blocks Learning Center know of any adverse reaction the child may have. If we at the center notice any signs or reactions, a parent will be contacted. As well as medical services if it is necessary. NO NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES WILL BE ADMINISTERED.

We do not offer a part time program at this time. Only full-time attendance is available.

Yes, we offer sibling discounts to students enrolled.

  • 2nd child $10.00 per week discount for full time (non-infant) rates.
  • 2nd child $10.00 per week discount for full time after school care rates.

At Building Blocks, two (2) week notice in writing is required before withdrawing your child or you will be responsible for two (2) weeks of tuition. Vacation/Sick Leave cannot be used as your two (2) week notice.

Yes we take State Assistance. We participate in the CAPS program.

We follow the CACFP guidelines. Any dietary restrictions will need to be documented by a medical physician and a note will be required to be kept on file. You will also be responsible in providing a substitute of the restricted component.